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Manual Mac OS X

Card-Fi-Copy V1.1 Windows

  1. WLAN SD-Card Typ, IP-Address and Sourcedirectory
    In the top selection box, you can choose the supported Wi-Fi SD cards. The last download and the settings are stored separately for each type of card. If you choose the Toshiba FlashAir, a Hostname der FlashAir Karte ändern button appears, through which you can change the hostname of the card. Card-Fi-Copy uses the hostname to search the IP address of the Toshiba FlashAir. Default is "flashair".

    With the button IP-Adresse und Quellverzeichnisse ermitteln can you automatically find the IP address of the Wi-Fi SD Card. If it is found, all directories on the SD card will be listet in the selection box. You can also enter the IP address manually. If you check "Scan source directory recursive", possible subdirectorys will also be scanned for new files.

  2. Destination directory
    Here you set the directory, where the files will be saved.

  3. Create subdirectory
    With Card-Fi-Copy you can create subdirectorys depending on the creation date or the source folder. Following options are available:
    • [none]
      The files will be copied to the destination directory without creating any subfolders.
      Creates three directorys. First the year, then the month, and at last the day of the file creation date.
      Creates one folder named after the file creation date.
    • [YEAR/MONTH]
      Like the first option, only with a year and month folder.
    • [YEAR-MONTH]
      Like the secound option, only with year and month.
      Creates a directory named after the source directory.
  4. On start run event loop
    On startup of Crad-Fi-Copy, run the event loop.

  5. Update interval
    Sets the interval to check for new files in the source directory of the SD-Card.

  6. Show transmission dialog
    Shows a small dialog while download with information about speed, progress, name and size of the file.

  7. Download delay
    Waits this additional time befor download a new file. Is disabled if "React on messages from SD Card" is enabled (only for Transcend card).
    To disable the delay, you can set the option to "0 - second".

  8. Play audio message
    Plays a short sound if the Wi-Fi SD Card goes on- or offline.

  9. React on messages from SD Card (only Transcend Wi-Fi SD)
    If the Transcend WiFi SD Card sends a message that a new file is available, Card-Fi-Copy will download the file without a delay.

  10. Preview window (only JPEG)
    If this option is checked, a preview window for downloaded JPEG pictures will be shown.

  11. Preview window stay on top
    Set to place the preview window always on top.

  12. Copy following files
    With this option you can select wich file types should be downloaded. Available options are:
    • JPEG - all JPEG Images will be copied
    • MOV/AVI - MOV and AVI videos are downloaded
    • Misc. - RAW Images and all other supportet files will be copied
  13. Start
    Starts the event loop.

  14. Stop
    Stops the event loop.

  15. Status
    Some various information about download, errors and so on.

  16. Language
    Changes the GUI languages of Crad-Fi-Copy